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Quick Random Update

You bet, I don't have any particular thing to write about yet. But, i wanna sent a post. But, i don't have any idea. And so another but but but...
Maybe, I need to make writing challenge like Tanaya? Hhahaha..
Just quick updates in few days earlier :
  1. Barca has lost in Classico. *sobsob*. I was grown up enough to accept their defeat but I was not still wise enough to respond any comments of my-dear-fellow-soccer-friends outside. I mean, with those Barca-referee-close-relationship-comment. Oh please. Go figure before you talk craps,dear! Yes, I feel sensitive when we talk about my fave soccer club. Hehehe.. Subjective also sometimes. But, come ooooonn...
  2. Barca didn't make the way to final Champion.. *supersobsob*. Yes, i do know, it is not year of Barca. After every possible title they had last year, this year is another way down to achieve their dope again. I do realize, you won't respect any winning you get when you never know the feeling of terrible lost. *nod nod* 
  3. I got a new record this month. What's on earth, i didn't go to ATM since a long ago. And i think i still have enough cash to spend till the end of month.. Yippiyeeey!! This is how i love when it comes to work-not-in-big-cities. Big cities offer more chances to do anything I want (toefl course, taking college, watching-movies-at-blitz-every-weekend) i know. but for now i just wanna be grateful for everything i got. Someday, i will make those happen in my own way for sure.
  4. I am enjoying very much watching these two amazing serials, How I Meet You Mother and The Big Bang Theory. I know, it was kinda late to watch HIMYM... :D. I always have big laugh when i watch Barney cs in every episodes. Not only quality jokes i get, but also good quotes implies in some scenes per episode. I wrote down those quotes in my note by the way. I will post those later. And about The Big Bang Theory, i feel amused enough to see some jokes about science. Can u imagine they make a jokes about Centrifugal Moves to pick up a girl? Hahahaha. Oke, i admit that I still get my brain loading to understand their jokes. Since hi-school i hate physics but i don't know that learning physics can be fun like that.

(images taken from here)

ps : i would like to review those serials later, if i get the mood.. :P


  1. you won't respect any winning you get when you never know the feeling of terrible lost.
    like this quote, ky;)

    I love The Big Bang. I have the collection of series, from season 1 to the running season 5. My favorite character is Sheldon. Hehe... He makes insane quotes. sometimes i have to look up his words in the dictionary, or find out about his theories. Then I laugh about it again;)

    Happy watching!!:)

      Oh absolutely we will love sheldon. I loooooove his way to express his sarcasm. Very cool!!
      *toss* sometimes i kinda late to LOL when it comes to science jokes.. :D


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