Langsung ke konten utama

Day Off 1

Set of Place : Office, Boarding house, Minangkabau Airport, Soetta Airport, Momon place
Set of Time : Friday, 16th of March

If you check your calendar maybe you've noticed that there's so much red in this year.
Furthermore, those red marks remain in  Friday or Monday.
One word. Epic.
Sooo, like another routine worker, i did underline some and arranged when i would take my days off (what called "cuti" in Eng bdw?).
First thing first, I told my co-workers (or colleagues? oh whatever...) about my off. Everything's okay so far.
There's someone that would cover my works when i was out. And then, checking whether there were another one that took days out like me at the same time (you know, there is a rule that max.2 persons each office that can apply days-off). None! Oh yeaahh...
How about my boss?? Ohh, there was nothing to worry about. As long as, my works were done before i go, that's not a prob.
Last,I issued my flight. And, ready to go go goooo!!

Actually, i was not really interested about this day-off. Night before, i packed my belongings. Not much.
Some clothes, book, iPod, cellphone and stuffs.

It took approximately 2 hour to arrive at Minangkabau Airport. Because my flight at 08.30pm, i planned to take travel right after
05.00pm / handkey presence. BUT, IT COULD NOT. The usual travel didn't want to pick me up at 5, it had to be at 4. Unless,they did not wanna take responsibility if i lost my flight. Oh,please???? I -was the one took flight- remained calm, but WHY they had to be freak out???
I took PSW finally. My first PSW this year!! *sighhh*
And then i arrived at airport at 6.30. Like a boss.
So,what i would do to spend 2 hours? Reading book, tweeting, gaming, watching surrounding till my plane was ready. It was fun.
when my plane was about to take off. I first realized that night view outside the plane was absolutely awesome. There were ocean of lamp down there.
Sooo beautiful.
The temperature inside the plane was freaking cold. Just wore my cardigans, i got non-stop-coughing. I am allergic, thanks to Lion. :((

Just arrived at Soetta at 22.30pm safely. Alhamdulillah. Got many message in BBM.
I forgot when last i got this damn great signal. *sigh* *kneeling down to earth*
I just wrote some messages, not a second, the reply had come. Amaaaaaazing!!!

Spending my first nite at momon place. Thanks to her!! :D
At first, she told me, She had been sleepy and wanted to sleep right away after i came. No probs.
The fact, we spent almost night full  of chit-chat-ing till almost dawn. Wahahaha... Sorry monce :D
She fell asleep after i told her some stories about Steve Wozniack -colleagues of Steve Jobs-. Bzzzzzzt *palmface*

The following day was sooooo great. Coincidentally meeting many friends of mine. Not as planned but still amazing. Sooo amazing.

-to be continued-


  1. Eaaa... why don't you change the title anyway? :p

  2. "I forgot when last i got this damn great signal. I just wrote some messages, not a second, the reply had come. Amaaaaaazing!!!"

    separah itukah sinyal di sana?
    Di mari sinyal Telkomsel 3G......tapi 5 detik berikutnya bisa E....lalu H......lalu 3G.....lalu E lagi. Pantes batere boros banget!!!!

  3. wkwk.. eh aku ketidurannya jam 4 ya.. tinggal dikit lagi sukses gak tidurnya mpe subuh hihi *alhamdulillah qt masi dpt sholat subuh :D

  4. .elda
    what's wrong about the title? :P

    ga tau deh ini.. akhir2 ini lagi annoying banget sinyalnya.. Uber ngefreeze, BBM pending, wasap gak jalan. Hizzzz!

    iya, agak ngeri tuh kita tidurnya nanggung.. Tapi biasanya sih aku otomatis bangun kalo subuh. Berasa kayak punya alarm sendiri. LAgian alarm-mu mantep juga sih mon.. Berisik! :D


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