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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2012

Sejauh Apa Kamu Percaya Sejarah?

Dulu, saya sangat suka pelajaran sejarah mulai dari ngapalin raja2 kerajaan Kutai, Kudungga-Aswawarman-Mulawarman sampe baca biografi Joseph Bros Tito pas belajar Perang Dunia. Sukaaaa banget! Konyolnya sempet kepikiran pengen bikin mesin waktu gara2 gemes pas Teuku Cik Di Tiro diracun Belanda padahal menang perang beberapa kali. Yakali bikin mesin waktu sama kayak ngerakit tamiya. :P Ketika udah di bangku kuliah, saya tetep suka baca2 sesuatu yang berbau sejarah, biografi tokoh misalnya. Bedanya, ketika itu saya baca dari sudut pandang lain. Misal, ketika di bangku sekolah, saya belajar banyak pemberontakan mulai dari PRRI/Permesta, juga DI/TII dari buku text, nah ketika di kampus saya baca salah satu biografi yaitu biografi Syafruddin Prawiranegara , salah satu pimpinan pemberontakan PRRI, yang juga pernah jadi Presiden Pemerintah Darurat Republik Indonesia sewaktu Agresi Militer II. Saya sampe mikir, kok bisa ya? Kenapa sampai memberontak? Dari situ saya mulai mempertanyakan keb


Hihihi, biasanya saya males ngerjain pr2 semacem ini, tapi pertanyaan dari   Blog Amel   asik buat dikerjain, jadi ya iseng2 lucu posting ini deh. :D Kalau kamu jadi tokoh dalam sebuah novel, kamu mau jadi karakter kayak apa? Pengen jadi Mycroft alias kakaknya Holmes. Dari pertama kali baca novelnya Doyle langsung naksir sama tokoh ini. Selain karena lebih pinter dan cool dari Holmes, karakternya juga hampir mirip sama saya. Kamu paling ngerasa mahir masak apa? Boleh pula dibagi alasan dan resep ala kamunya. (Jawaban seperti air, nasi, telur goreng, dan mie instan ga masuk kriteria yaa) Bubur candil (candil : kayak biji salak di kolak2 itu). Ini sih bisa dari kelas 5 SD karena mutung sama Ibu gara2 jarang dibikinin bubur ini padahal favorit banget2, malah dikasih bubur kacang ijo mulu (dari kecil saya hobi kena anemia soalnya). Jadi saya belajar bikin sendiri, pas udah bisa dan dirasa enak pernah tiap hari bikin sampe ngabisin tepung kanji sekilo selama seminggu. :P Rese

Quick Random Update

You bet, I don't have any particular thing to write about yet. But, i wanna sent a post. But, i don't have any idea. And so another but but but... Maybe, I need to make  writing challenge like Tanaya ? Hhahaha.. Just quick updates in few days earlier : Barca has lost in Classico. *sobsob*. I was grown up enough to accept their defeat but I was not still wise enough to respond any comments of my-dear-fellow-soccer-friends outside. I mean, with those Barca-referee-close-relationship-comment. Oh please. Go figure before you talk craps,dear! Yes, I feel sensitive when we talk about my fave soccer club. Hehehe.. Subjective also sometimes. But, come ooooonn... Barca didn't make the way to final Champion.. *supersobsob*. Yes, i do know, it is not year of Barca. After every possible title they had last year, this year is another way down to achieve their dope again. I do realize, you won't respect any winning you get when you never know the feeling of terrible lost . *nod

Dirty Little Secret

Have you ever feel like you wanna across beyond the boundaries? Morale or religious way? Sometimes, i think about how it feels when you committed some crimes or sins? Gathering my scrap mind, I would like to recap some of my darkest thought i ever had (please forgive me,God *istighfar2). Getting drunk : It's horrible sin even worse than raping or murdering (because it is source of other horrible bad actions). Sometimes, I think how it feels when I'm getting drunk. I mean that you will lost your consciousness right. So what most embarrassing-thing  you can do? And what vodka/ martini tastes does like? I get my body trembling when i think of it. Can it be any worse than you lose control to your mind yet your body because of getting drunk? Murdering. Can i commit perfect crime without any witness and proofs? What possible trick to lose track of any evidences? Yes, i blame my conan or mystery-novels i ever read by thinking those stupid thing. But, no worries. I,by any means, N

Smartphone or Smart People?

Sekarang kamu pegang smartphone apa? Blackberry? iPhone? Android phone? Sejauh pengamatan saya, hampir semua temen2 seangkatan pasti dah pegang smartphone masing2. Selain karena kami dah mampu beli (pake uang sendiri,Alhamdulillaaaaah..), juga karena ngebantu banget buat urusan komunikasi. "eh katanya si anu mau nikah sama si itu ya?" "hah masaaa??" "iya,barusan status bbm (ato chatgrup BBM ato tweet ato grupchat YM ato invitation event FB dsb)-nya gitu" Puncak heboh2nya punya smartphone itu ya pas uang rapelan turun. Lucu deh kalo nginget2. Kelompok magang saya mendadak jadi sering main ke Roxy pulang kantor. Voilaaaa. Besoknya tuiter clientnya dah pada ganti aja gitu.. Hahahaha.. Malahan di kelompok magang saya dulu yang berjumlah 17 orang sempet ada persaingan antar gadget : Blackberry vs Android. Konyol dan gak penting emang. Tapi seru. Saya gak beli langsung pas uang rapel turun. Selain karena belum butuh, juga karena mainstream banget ya lan

Semacam Janji

Akhir2 ini teman2 saya sedang terobsesi banget dengan yang namanya jalan2. Jadi setiap ada long weekend atau kesempatan2 dari cuti, sebagian besar pasti memanfaatkannya untuk jalan2. Kenapa gak mudik? Itu udah, di awal2 penempatan pas lagi sering homesick. Mungkin karena faktor dimana kita udah pegang uang sendiri dan alhamdulillah bisa menyisihkannya sekedar buat jalan2. Jalan2 kemana aja? Bali, Lombok, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangka Belitung dll Seru ya? Kamu udah kemana aja, Ki? Belum kemana2. Mentok2 ke Bandung, P.Seribu, Anyer, itupun jaman kuliah pas acara kelas atau ada keperluan. Awalnya sih, saya udah nyiapin list where-i-wanna-go gitu. Plus planning budget juga. Listnya gak jauh2 kayak list di atas. Saya masih inget heboh2nya pas ngobrolin destinasi jalan2 bersama teman2 saya. Mulai menjamurnya situs2, blog2, maupun buku2 traveling mungkin semacam jadi pendorong juga ya. Sampai akhirnya saya agak sedikit tertampar. Inget gk sama tulisan  INSECURE  saya kapan

Still about Day-Off

Set of Time : Monday,19th March 2012 Set of Place :Ria's Place, Train =========================================================================== You know, When i was at Jakarta, I barely could sleep. Three nights two days i just got not more than 5-hours-sleep in total. :D Last night at Jakarta, I slept at Ria's place, Slipi. I felt sorry for her too, she could sleep at 3am. Hohohoooo.. Chitchat-ing and watching many videos 'till almost dawn (Yes,yes my fault!). However, i had to catch up my train next morning at Senen. I was very afraid if i couldn't wake up on time. So, I decided not to sleep. But, it failed. I fell asleep and fortunately, i woke up right after adzan Subuh finished. Yeay. Getting prepared, being ready to Senen Station and going home. :D I had to wait for about 2 hours at railway stat in my-super-sleepy-head! I almost fell asleep again there. But, it railway stat, not airport, I felt unsafe here since i was alone. :( For keeping my eyes open,

Wandering Around Jakarta (again)

Set of time   : Saturday, 17th of March 2012 Set of place : Desi's place, Atrium, GI, Semanggi Plaza, Bendungan Hilir Avenue (tongkrongan di Benhil maksudnya) ============================================================================= My plan for today was Cempaka Mas at 9, Atrium at 11, Ratu Plaza at 13 and GI at 16 and so on. But in fact, I got hang over in the morning and still very dizzy after woke up. Blame Momon.. Hahaha.. I got myself ready to go about 10 o'clock and decided to see my pregnant-friend, Desi. :3 Besides, i think i could not handle crowd in Cempaka Mas, so i did not go there. Desi's place at Cempaka Putih Utara, not so far from Momon's so I'd rather to take a walk. It's place when I lived  almost a year ago during my apprentice at Jakarta. Seems very nostalgic. :')) I felt very sorry for Desi because we didn't spend much time. Talking about her pregnancy, her desire to move to Palembang where her husband work ,etc. I real

Day Off 1

Set of Place : Office, Boarding house, Minangkabau Airport, Soetta Airport, Momon place Set of Time : Friday, 16th of March ============================================================================== If you check your calendar maybe you've noticed that there's so much red in this year. Furthermore, those red marks remain in  Friday or Monday. One word. Epic. Sooo, like another routine worker, i did underline some and arranged when i would take my days off (what called "cuti" in Eng bdw?). First thing first, I told my co-workers ( or colleagues? oh whatever... ) about my off. Everything's okay so far. There's someone that would cover my works when i was out. And then, checking whether there were another one that took days out like me at the same time (you know, there is a rule that max.2 persons each office that can apply days-off) . None! Oh yeaahh... How about my boss?? Ohh, there was nothing to worry about. As long as, my works were done before


Hey halooo Long time no see!! Has been missing everything about blogging stuff and you too... :D Fortunately i'm sooo high to write many stuff that i will flood my page then. YEIY!! Nowaweeks (doubt if there is such those phrase), i'm too lazy to post something,everything in my blog. There are so much things happen but yeah, you know, demot is something hard to cure. Hohohoo None to blame but my self tho. Soo, without a further ado, here recaps for last month. (if you don't mind, i have challenged myself to write anything crap in English) Get some breaks from routine is awe -wait for it- some.. ( i bet you know where i got those line, wahahaha, love Barney) Meeting some old friends is always delightful Being a lazypussy at home Buying some wonderful stuff -that's not available in B.tinggi- (iBox is heaven on earth anyways,sigh) Getting nerves if i couldn't catch my flight up but in facts it got too early at airport. :P Each those will be comprehende