Source : Islamic Thinking (dipost di path saya juga) Akhir-akhir ini saya sedang mellow. You know, when everything seems pretty hard yet you don't have anyone to rely on. *dari kalimatnya aja dah melow2 gini*. Pernah sih pada suatu ketika saya mikir berat juga ya. Meanwhile saya bukanlah tipe yang curhat mengenai masalah-masalah. I will tell the world in most cryptic way yet i need to be understood. So stupid right? *Giiiiiiiirrlll*. Ketika saya mikir kok gini amat ya saya. Trus saya mikir lagi, that is just the way i am, i just need to compromise a little. Gitu aja terus sampe Messi pindah ke Madrid (amit-amit, ketok meja kayu 3x). Tulisan ini saya bikin untuk pengingat saya di masa depan. It’s okay to feel pathetic so this moment needs to be archived for future purpose. Yep, this is one of those moments. When you feel like you are on the lowest point (yet?). Still, no need to be worry. You can't go any lower, right? I perfectly aware that someday in the future i...
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