So, I heard a lot about the "new iPhone" and "new iPod" today. I must say that Tim Cook put quite a lot of effort to keep Apple Inc maintain its highest spot. Seeing the rivalry between Apple and Samsung nowadays kinda reminiscing my memories about frenemies between Apple-Microsoft. Who does not know Bill - Steve rivalry after all.
And these is my review about Steve Jobs biography written by Walter Isaacson. To be honest, I have finished reading this book quite long time ago, but I just managed to finish its review last month. Pardon please. Hohohooo.
And these is my review about Steve Jobs biography written by Walter Isaacson. To be honest, I have finished reading this book quite long time ago, but I just managed to finish its review last month. Pardon please. Hohohooo.
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Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson (image from amazon) |
Usually I take short period of time to finish a book. Regardless the book's pages, if I find it interesting, I would like to finish it in one shot no matter what (*cough* Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix *cough* :D).
I forgot since when i became Apple-stan. Sooo, I was kinda expecting a lot when -finally- Steve Jobs bio's was going to be released. It still felt heartbroken to hear Steve's dead.
When i got the book, I was scanning the whole pages indeed. And i got what-the-hell look on my face. This book not only tells you about Steve's life or his accomplishment, but also how to establish a tech company in particular. Its ups and downs, intrigues between the boards, never-ending rivalry with Microsoft and many more. It's cool.
It took about three weeks till one month to finish this bio. Overtime than I expected. Mostly because i had to reread some parts that I barely understood or recalled many people included. It was hard you know, considering I have long term memory, so it was difficult to digest some event in one go.
I like how Walter wants to deliver in this bio : its neutrality. Anyhow, you can merely say that nothing is perfect. So does Steve. Womanizer, hard-to-respect-others,hopelessly hard-headed and the list would still go on and on.
I like how Walter wants to deliver in this bio : its neutrality. Anyhow, you can merely say that nothing is perfect. So does Steve. Womanizer, hard-to-respect-others,hopelessly hard-headed and the list would still go on and on.
Actually I'm fan of Wozniak. I think he is kinda naive and genius. Hahaha. Woz, however, didn't actively participate in running Apple but Steve paid high respect to him, something that almost unbelievable regarding Steve attitudes towards his colleagues. For Steve, Woz is friend that he will treasure a lot for long time as I know. I feel heartwarming anyhow, hahahaha.I read somewhere that Apple always gives Woz the latest product in the first day of its launching.
On the other side this book reveals that Steve can be really manipulative and deceitful in most of the time he ran Apple. It is really hard to find Steve supporting open source in the future I guess.
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Steve Wozniak (image from wikipedia) |
On the other side this book reveals that Steve can be really manipulative and deceitful in most of the time he ran Apple. It is really hard to find Steve supporting open source in the future I guess.
From this bio we know that Steve is freaking bossy CEO. He would like to dictate everything in Apple according to his own sake. Sometimes it was good because he was really insightful and visionary enthusiast. But it could be really annoying too.
Most of the time he took more step ahead of common people. That brings what Apple got this time in my opinion.
Anyway, hats off on how Steve could be so devoted to his family despite his womanizer behavior in his youth. His wife, Laurenne, is so caring and well-organized something that Steve most needed to keep his feet still on earth beyond his complicated world would be. His children are so adorable and smart-wise. Otherwise, I felt so amazed when i read that Lisa, his first daughter with his previous girlfriend, could get along well with his current family. He love his children so much that for the first time he felt afraid that he could not see his son entering college because his cancer. T_T *sob sob*
And then, for me, despite his ups-downs and his controversies after all this time, he was once an inspiring people. Someone that you can learn about. Even his enemies (or rivals) would agree that Steve played significant role in Silicon Valley developing his tech empire influencing the world.
Rate : 4.5/5 star
ps : i posted this reviews on my goodreads page too.
Anyway, hats off on how Steve could be so devoted to his family despite his womanizer behavior in his youth. His wife, Laurenne, is so caring and well-organized something that Steve most needed to keep his feet still on earth beyond his complicated world would be. His children are so adorable and smart-wise. Otherwise, I felt so amazed when i read that Lisa, his first daughter with his previous girlfriend, could get along well with his current family. He love his children so much that for the first time he felt afraid that he could not see his son entering college because his cancer. T_T *sob sob*
And then, for me, despite his ups-downs and his controversies after all this time, he was once an inspiring people. Someone that you can learn about. Even his enemies (or rivals) would agree that Steve played significant role in Silicon Valley developing his tech empire influencing the world.
Rate : 4.5/5 star
ps : i posted this reviews on my goodreads page too.
hidup ipun 5!!!!udah cakep, earpodnya kek gitu, murah lagi. Cuman 3,5 jutaan kan? Wew
BalasHapusudah liat film Pirates of Sillicon Valley belum? Bukan fans Apple ama Microsoft kalo belum nonton tuh film
itu dulu aja deh
Udah dooong... Tingkat dua nntonnya dulu.. Masa sih 3,5 jutaan?? Ah palingan exclude macem2..
HapusMacbook 10jutaan ternyata cuma dikasih adaptor chargernya doang. Khas Apple.
hihihi ko ambo baru sajo bacaliak meme2 lucu manyindir Iphone5 di 9GAG...
BalasHapuseh taruih iseng ka tampeknyo Uni, bacaliak postingan iko hohoho...
baraso dikembalikan ka jalan yang benar yang serius tentang produknyo Apple yo, Uni..
*coba2 ancur babaso urang Minang huhuhu*
Indak gitu uda. iko bukan review produknyo Apple ha tapi review bio-nyo Steve Jobs.. :D
HapusIyo, awak (kalo seumuran pakenya "awak" nas,cmiww) bacaliak meme2 juo di 9gag.
*udah deh keriting lama2 ini*
*jadi blog tribahasa*
Eh nas, kamu ada blogspot juga to? Sama multiply-mu aktif mana?
*pokoke kudu nyoba2 sik baso Urang Minang dah ahahaha*
Hapusni nih caritonyo MP ko ado rancano mau menggusur bloggernyo, makanyo mangungsi ke BS dan WP dengan ID nazhalitsnaen gitu hehehe....
interesting review.. ky;) i wish u had written more about it though.. i want the book now;)
BalasHapusbecause it's sooo IT-ish nay.. T__T
HapusAnd It seem bit confusing on how to deliver it in simpler way.
But you will understand what this book is talking about, I'm sure.
Apple fan or not, this bio is definitely a must-have-book. So you can understand more about Steve in different way. :))