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Going to Extra Miles

There are too many things that i want to reach. You know, when your mind still in idealistic mode, you keep thinking something big like world peace, making world for a better living etc.. Hahahahaa.. No, i'm just kidding. But, as i remember, when i was in elementary school, I really wanted to become Minister of Social, simply because i felt really pity when i see a lot of homeless people.
I mean for us, as human being, we want to reach personal achievement, something that we can
hold onto, something great and something can used to boost self esteem perhaps. (FYI : It's on the 2nd top of Maslow hierarchy of needs)
But as time goes by we become more realistic. We do a lot of compromise about everything in life to ourself.

Here, i don't wanna talk about passion per se. I've read too many post about passion written by my friends and I definitely agree with most of them regarding same conditions with me. In short, I'm really envious with all of you who still keep idealistically pursue your own passion.
I'm still pursue mine with many consideration after all.

I love reading, which leading me to love writting. However, it seems that I do that by pleasure. It such a glimpse when i imagine i have my personal homepage which contains everything not only as my own journal but also such kind of useful information.
I do love socializing with people, since i often got a position as PR in college. I find myself enjoying connecting some people for certain reason.
I am also devoted to learn many languages as I can. Connecting with so many people is a way easier when we know much their language,yes?

I feel sorry for myself finding my affections toward that things above was kind of late. Studying International Public Relations would be the best fit for that, right? But, it seems really impossible for now. 
By any means, I'm still grateful knowing what I really love. My personal achievement is integrating those within one big goal. I don't know how to do so or what I'm gonna be, still. Thus, i don't take big step regarding of that. I take step little by little. For example i push myself to write everything in everyday (it is big fail bdw, *hikshiks), enjoying light chit-chating with foreigners, which was really fun because most of them are so friendly, just to keep my vocab not being falling off and so on.
For now, I feel blessed that I'm still motivated to learn everything more.
So,considering of that, I think it is still far from going extra miles to pursue our dreams. I just take little step indeed.
Afterwards, going extra miles is kind of bullshit without taking its first step, right? And first step is the hardest part for me.

ps : I post this on my FB notes too regarding of writing challenge with my friends. :))


  1. the first step is to become Bendum expert..

  2. nice post ;)

    Life is a choice and it is what we think of it and thus it should be. And there are many roads to Rome, so we will never stop digging to China ;)

    Keep spirited and keep inspiring;)

  3. mak cik, daku pengemar diam-diam tulisan mak cik. untuk yang ini apa ada terjemahan bebasnya, gitu? daku suka banged baca tulisan mak cik yang gaul, gitu. lucu...



  4. Assalamulaikum, mak cik......

    Mana tulisan nya?

    Sudah 1 bulan, nih. :(


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