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Quick Updates (again)

This post is so-called lazy-posting. Yepp. There are two reasons why.

  1. There are lot more things i have to post but i dunno how to manage those story-line (Yes Pensieve, i need youuu)
  2. There is nothing special to post.
I go with first option. Too many branches in my mind. Long story short, here they are:
  1. I had veeeeery good holiday. Wonderful little escape as ever. Hhhahaa. But, as the consequences, I also had little broken-heart when holiday was over. *super sob sob*. More heart-breaking when i saw my balances in my bank account. *straight face*
  2. I had watched The Avengers!!! It was very cooooooool!!!! But, unfortunately i didn't get best spot to watch it. still trapped in long line to grab the tickets. So there were just left over seats. *hiks*  Really damned box-office movie indeed!! 
  3. Checking all to-eat-list!! Burger Blenger Bintaro sektor 1, Ramen Sanpachi, Rotiboy. *dance dance*.
  4. Living without any gadgets for two days-one night straight! It was so okay. You must try it this too somehow. You know, when you are off,without your phone/gadgets i mean, you will pay more attention to your surrounding. You will have better chit-chat-ing with your friends, get more fun when playing poker/uno without any breaks because no BBM / text / phone calls, get more physical activities because you need to come to people when you want to talk or something (because it is impossible to use phone).
  5. My iPod got a little broken. T_______T. I don't know why. Suddenly, it stops playing. Battery issues i guess. Because it was okay when my iPod got electricity. I was little worry, it happens again next time. :(((
  6. My boss got to moved next month to Kanwil Jambi. *sob sob*. I really hope whoever my next boss is better. I had told you about my current boss, hadn't I?
  7. Falling my jaw when hearing my senior's wedding concept. He got his akad at the top of Monas Tower. Whaaaaaat???? And one of the reception wedding concepts is soccer. Dress code for  EO team are soccer player uniform. The bride and the groom identity was displayed in score board (usually score board is contained something like score, yellow/red cards, offside and so on). And, last but not least, welcome board for the guests was held under the title, My Marriage is A Fair Play! It was beyond legeeeeeeend -wait for it- dary!!!!. I cursed my self because I could not attend his wedding. Up until now, i am still waiting the detail story about his wedding. Hey, Mas Gun, Barakallah for your wedding. Happily live together forever. Go visit his blog >> Gunawan Kurnia S
I hope I could emphasize those points above within full story in no time.
How was your holiday, guys?


  1. "More heart-breaking when i saw my balances in my bank account."
    ya yang pasti kan masih balance to. Gak minus

    "Burger Blenger Bintaro sektor 1, Ramen Sanpachi, Rotiboy. "
    kamu ini anak Jakarta atau anak Kebumen to? Muter"nya di Jakarta mulu yak

    "Living without any gadgets for two days-one night straight!"
    I did that too when I was on break a weeks ago. Aku matiin hape pas jam kerja biar gak ditelponin orang kantor. Muahahaha

    "I had watched The Avengers!!! "
    haiah. Di Padang kan ada bioskop to riz. Bukittinggi Padang cuman 3 jam ini. Sabtu bisa sepuasnya lahh

    1. tetep aja nyesek ngeliat jumlahnya... *yaiyalaaaah* *diambil mulu

      Aku kan udah mudik bulan lalu ded.. Sekarang giliran main..yeyeyeye..

      Iya bangeeet, kadangan sinyal jelek itu jadi dalih buat ignore apa aja yg masuk ke gadget. *trus jadi kualat jelek mulu sinyalnya*

      GAK ADA BIOSKOP DI PADANG. *emosi* *enough said*

    2. yaelah berapa sih jumlahnya total tabungan masih 8 digit kan ini? Iya. Nahh gitu masih banyak itu

      maen ke Jakarta ya? Hmm...kepengen juga sih aku. Ada rencana lah dalam waktu dekat ini. Sip...sip

      di Medan ada lho. Tapi kudu perjalanan 1 MALEM dulu. *pengsan*

  2. Kunci keberhasilan adalah menanamkan kebiasaan sepanjang hidup Anda untuk melakukan hal - hal yang Anda takuti.
    tetap semangat tinggi untuk jalani hari ini ya gan ! ditunggu kunjungannya :D


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