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PR untuk Mereka yang Masih Hidup (ketika saya meninggal nanti)

Segala yang bernyawa akan mati pada waktunya. (QS Ali Imron: 185).   Sudah hampir setahun kita hidup dengan COVID-19. None predicts it's gonna be this bad, like real bad. Tidak perlu menuding siapa yang salah atau siapa yang paling bertanggung jawab atas musibah yang tidak berkesudahan ini. Kasihan mental kita yang sudah babak belur jadi makin depresif nantinya.   Beberapa bulan terakhir, keadaan di Indonesia menjadi semakin parah. Tidak terhitung kerabat yang positif COVID-19 dan akhirnya meninggal. Belum lagi pemberitaan yang menerangkan kesulitan dalam mendapatkan perawatan di RS. Pada suatu titik, saya sampai di keadaan yang sudah tidak kaget lagi ketika ada rekan-rekan yang positif COVID-19. Meskipun tetap kalut dan sedih, tapi reaksi lebih ke "oh?". Itu bukan berarti saya cuek ato tidak peduli, hanya saja lelah.   Saya membuat postingan ini sebagai bahan refleksi dan persiapan jika nanti ternyata saya juga mendapat giliran untuk dipanggil Allah SWT. Saya tidak tahu ...
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Judulnya sepertinya uwow. Dulu, saya kepikiran, sepertinya saya tidak ingin mendapati diri saya menjadi tua, tidak berdaya, pikun dsb. Jadinya, ya saya ingin pergi di usia yang gak tua-tua banget. Mati muda (ya gak muda-muda banget). Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. Apalah yang saya tau tentang umur, ya kan? Prerogatif Allah itu. Namun, beberapa bulan terakhir ini, saya kayak ditampar. Saya mendadak takut mati. Duh, cukup gak ya bekal saya. Duh, orang tua saya gimana? Adek-adek juga? Duh, saya belum punya yang mau diwariskan. Duh, saya belum nikah. *eh Duh, saya takut dilupakan. Duh, apa kabar amal jariyah. dan serangkaian insekuritas lainnya. Jadi, saya sempat merenung sebelum tidur dengan pertanyaan yang sama. Mau saya apa sih? Apa yang sudah saya capai? Apa yang sudah saya tinggalkan? Saya evaluasi lagi tuh visi misi hidup (trust me, ini gak muluk2 banget kok). Intinya saya jadi berpikir halah masih segitu-gitu aja kok udah pede mikirin mati muda. Saya nuli...

Andre Harihandoyo and Sonic People : Live in Jakarta (Review)

source :   Before, I write about this gig, I think it's plausible for me to explain why and how I love this band. In early 2010, I happened to watch their performance at Langit Musik or somewhere else. It was joint performances. Actually, I wanted to see Adhitya Sofyan's gig but AHSP's ca ught my attention at that time. So, I looked them up and found one or two of their songs (Justify and The Break Up). I was totally captivated about how that songs were delivered. The lyrics was simple like telling stories, but it was arranged so beautifully. There was not any official music streaming service at that time, so I found it hard to seek their album. I had to order or bought them at the special record stores. So, it was a good time watching their performance live. Yeah, the perks of being an indie. . Well, I was really excited when I know they released new album and would hold a live c... !!

August. What is the first thing that pops on your mind when you read that words. Many of you will ponder about our Independence Day, I supposed. And yeah, in this month, in the exact 17th, Indonesia celebrate its 71st Indepedence Day. Many of us had been told all of stories about how our founding fathers achieved our freedom by sweat, tears and blood. Source: blog Djarumbeasiswaplus (accessed from According to Merriem-Webster Dictionary, nationalism defines a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups. In the early perspective, primodialist one, nationalism is decribed as perceived tendency of human as part of distinct group affiliated by birth i.e. Javanese, Sundanese, Aborigin etc. As time goes by, this perspective evolves int...

Absurdity as Its Finest

Source : Islamic Thinking (dipost di path saya juga) Akhir-akhir ini saya sedang mellow. You know, when everything seems pretty hard yet you don't have anyone to rely on. *dari kalimatnya aja dah melow2 gini*. Pernah sih pada suatu ketika saya mikir berat juga ya. Meanwhile saya bukanlah tipe yang curhat mengenai masalah-masalah. I will tell the world in most cryptic way yet i need to be understood. So stupid right? *Giiiiiiiirrlll*. Ketika saya mikir kok gini amat ya saya. Trus saya mikir lagi, that is just the way i am, i just need to compromise a little. Gitu aja terus sampe Messi pindah ke Madrid (amit-amit, ketok meja kayu 3x). Tulisan ini saya bikin untuk pengingat saya di masa depan. It’s okay to feel pathetic so this moment needs to be archived for future purpose. Yep, this is one of those moments. When you feel like you are on the lowest point (yet?). Still, no need to be worry. You can't go any lower, right? I perfectly aware that someday in the future i...


Hello again! Sudden thought came up this evening, as i grow older (and maybe unlikely wiser or maturer) i became less courage to speak up what i feel. I dunno that is because I am an introvert one (introvert would not wrote this, like seriously) or i kind of conscious about what people perceive who I am. Maybe that is why i am more comfortable to write this on blog instead ranting here and there on my socmed. Anyway  speaking of which, do that mean i am not completely honest being myself? Or just simply i want to keep inside not to share to others? I think that is not pretentious. Some people grew up being judgemental for which I don't respect at all. As much as I want to ignore those person, a tiny little part about what they said would bug any part of my head, is it?  Well,except wishing for happiness for me and closest people around me , I also  hope that God will give me more courage. Courage to speak out what I feel, courage to admit my mistakes, courage to do what i...


Lama saya gak nulis dan banyak hal terjadi. To the point ya, pernah denger tentang Anger Management? The term  anger management  commonly refers to a system of  psychological therapeutic  techniques and exercises by which someone with excessive or uncontrollable  anger  and  aggression  can control or reduce the  triggers , degrees, and effects of an angered  emotional  state. -- wikipedia Intinya sih tentang bagaimana cara kita mengendalikan emosi (dalam hal ini amarah). Nah, as I know about myself ya. Saya paling susah mengendalikan amarah. Issues came out and i would blow out. Itu ada bagus dan jeleknya sih. Bagusnya saya jadi gak pendendam tapi jeleknya ya itu tadi pengendalian diri saya rendah. Tapi saya perhatikan akhir2 ini, saya terlalu toleran. Ada banyak hal yang bisa bikin saya kecewa atau marah, potentially can make me throw tantrum here and there tapi saya diam saja dan senyum2. Ada teman yang bilang," Age is not...