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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2012

Reviews : Steve Jobs

So, I heard a lot about the "new iPhone" and "new iPod" today. I must say that Tim Cook put quite a lot of effort to keep Apple Inc maintain its highest spot. Seeing the rivalry between Apple and Samsung nowadays kinda reminiscing my memories about frenemies between Apple-Microsoft. Who does not know Bill - Steve rivalry after all. And these is my review about Steve Jobs biography written by Walter Isaacson. To be honest, I have finished reading this book quite long time ago, but I just managed to finish its review last month. Pardon please. Hohohooo. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson (image from amazon) Usually I take short period of time to finish a book. Regardless the book's pages, if I find it interesting, I would like to finish it in one shot no matter what (* cough* Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix  *cough* :D ). I forgot since when i became Apple-stan. Sooo, I was kinda expecting a lot when -finally- Steve Jobs bio's was going to be re